Our Biblical Languages Fellowship for English speakers has been meeting weekly since Nov 3, 2011. We meet every Saturday morning from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Please note: We currently meet online only, and are on hiatus for the month of December 2021; we are scheduled to resume our fellowship in January of 2022. Email the administrator for further information. We study the Hebrew Bible on the odd Saturdays of the month (1st and 3rd). We study the Greek Bible on the even Saturdays of the month (2nd and 4th Saturdays). When a month has five Saturdays, we take the 5th Saturday off. Please scroll down for the permanent link to our on-line study via the GoToMeeting program.
Nuestro compañerismo para el estudio de idiomas bíblicos para hispanohablantes se reúne los martes por la mañana, de 8:00 a.m. hasta 9:30 a.m., hora estándar del Pacífico. Tenga en cuenta: Nuestro estudio en español de los idiomas bíblicos es solo en línea, a través del programa de videoconferencia GoToMeeting. ALERTA: No habrá clases en el mes de diciembre de 2021; comenzaremos estos estudios en línea nuevamente en enero de 2022. Desplácese hacia abajo para ver el enlace permanente a nuestro estudio en línea a través del programa GoToMeeting.
All are welcome.
Beginners will get to read from the original language biblical text on their first visit. No registration nor purchase of textbooks is required, and you can attend as you are able. All can learn at their own pace as we read and discuss the Scriptures together.
Greek Word Of The Day!
Getting Started With Biblical Greek
Getting Started With Biblical Hebrew
1 John GNT Study Materials
2 Thessalonians GNT Study Materials
Acts GNT and English Study Materials
Days Of Elijah HOT Study Materials
Days Of The Judges HOT Study Materials
Ephesians GNT Study Materials
Genesis HOT Study Materials
Genesis LXX Study Materials
HOT-GNT Eschatology Study Materials
Isaiah HOT Study Materials
John GNT Study Materials
Jude GNT Study Materials
Mark GNT Study Materials
Matthew GNT Study Materials
Proverbs HOT Study Materials
Proverbs LXX Study Materials
Revelation GNT Study Materials
Wisdom Of Jesus GNT Study Materials
Zechariah HOT Study Materials
You can join our weekly study online, in real time, every Saturday at 10 AM PST, using your computer or mobile device. Email the administrator for further information.
Greek Windows
Short Greek word-studies on video with our friend, pastor, David Young.
BLF Flashcards 1
A short review of our first three terms for memorization.
BLF Flashcards 2
A short review of our first six terms for memorization.
BLF Flashcards 3
A short review of our third set of terms for memorization.
BLF Flashcards 4
A short review of our fourth set of terms for memorization.
BLF Flashcards 5 and 6
A short review of our fifth and sixth set of terms for memorization.