Our Bible Languages Fellowship normally meets every Saturday morning, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, online only at this time. Please check our main BLF page for changes in time or location! Email the administrator for further information. We will not meet during the month of December 2021.
We study the Greek Old or NewTestaments (GNT or LXX) on even Saturdays of the month (2nd and 4th), and the Hebrew Old Testament on odd Saturdays of the month (1st and 3rd) We take the occasional 5th Saturday of the month off.
All are welcome.
Beginners will get to read from the Greek or Hebrew Bible on their first visit, using modern Greek or Israeli Hebrew pronunciation. No registration nor purchase of textbooks is required. All can learn at their own pace as we read and discuss the Scriptures together.
Hebrew Word Of The Day!
HOT-GNT Study Materials
HOT Eschatology Lesson Sheets
Helpful worksheets for our bi-weekly Hebrew Old Testament study.
GNT Eschatology Lesson Sheets
Helpful worksheets for our bi-weekly Greek NewTestament study.
HOT Zechariah Lessons
More materials for our study of Zechariah in the Hebrew Bible.
A Student’s Companion ToThe Book Of Zechariah
Commentary on the text of Zechariah based upon our studies so far, currently covering chapter 14.
HOT Zechariah Session 1: Zechariah 14.1-3
This is the unedited screen and discussion recording of our session.
HOT Zechariah Session 2: Zechariah 14.4
This is the unedited screen and discussion recording of our session.
You can join our weekly study online, in real time, every Saturday at 10 AM, using your computer or mobile defice. Email the administrator for further information.
Recommended Resources and Related Articles
Pocket Dictionary For The Study Of Biblical Hebrew
This volume is available on AmazonSmile. A helpful resource for the serious student of the Old Testament’s original language.
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