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Welcome to documents for
our Biblical Hebrew study of Isaiah.

Updated May 15, 2021


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Please download whatever you need from among these notes and articles. They are posted as PDF files. To read them, you will need Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader.


Our Bible Languages Fellowship normally meets every Saturday morning, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM via the GoToMeeting video conference platform. Please check our main BLF page for changes in time or location! Email the administrator for further information. ALERT: Our English language Isaiah study has now concluded; please email the administrator for information on our current Spanish-language Hebrew study.

We study the Greek Old or New Testaments (GNT or LXX) on every even Saturday of the month (2nd and 4th), and the Hebrew Old Testament on every odd Saturday of the month (1st, 3rd and 5th).

All are welcome. Beginners will get to read from the Greek or Hebrew Bible on their first visit, using modern Greek or Israeli Hebrew pronunciation. No registration nor purchase of textbooks is required. All can learn at their own pace as we read and discuss the Scriptures together.

Lamb Hebrew Word Of The Day!


HOT Isaiah Study Materials
HOT Isaiah Lesson Sheets
Helpful worksheets for our bi-weekly Hebrew Old Testament study.

Hebreo Bíblico: Páginas de Lecciones
Hojas útiles para nuestro estudio de pasajes de Isaías en el Antiguo Testamento hebreo.

HOT Isaiah Session Recordings (Screen Sharing & Audio)

HOT Isaiah Session 01: Isaiah 50.1
Recorded on March 17, 2018. Audio is clear, but using your iTunes equalizer will make it more pleasant listening. This is not a compelling movie, but if you missed the discussion, or just want to get an idea of how our Biblical Languages Fellowship works, watch and listen!

HOT Isaiah Session 02: Isaiah 50.2-3
Recorded on March 31, 2018. This is the unedited classroom recording, complete with pauses for technical difficulties; use the play bar on your screen to fast forward over parts you’re not intersted in.

HOT Isaiah Session 03: Isaiah 50.4
Recorded on April 7, 2018. This session reviews the Independent Hebrew Pronouns and introduces the Possessive Pronominal Suffixes for nouns. Use the play bar on your screen to fast forward over parts you’re not intersted in.

HOT Isaiah Session 04: Isaiah 50.5-7
Recorded on April 21, 2018. Use the play bar on your screen to fast forward over parts you’re not intersted in.

HOT Isaiah Session 05: Isaiah 50.8-9
Recorded on May 5, 2018, teacher’s errors and all. Use the play bar on your screen to fast forward over parts you’re not intersted in.

HOT Isaiah Session 10: Isaiah 51.8-9
Recorded on July 7, 2018. Use the play bar on your screen to fast forward over parts you’re not intersted in.

HOT Isaiah Session 11: Isaiah 51.10
Recorded on July 21, 2018. Use the play bar on your screen to fast forward over parts you’re not intersted in.

HOT Isaiah Lesson Index
This index will help you find where topics, Hebrew words, and Scripture references are found in the Lesson Sheets.

You can join our weekly study online, in real time, every Saturday at 10 AM, using your computer or mobile defice. Email the administrator for further information.


Recommended Resources and Related Articles

Septuagint GrammarPocket Dictionary For The Study Of Biblical Hebrew
This volume is available on AmazonSmile. A helpful resource for the serious student of the Old Testament’s original language.


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