Biblical Languages Fellowship normally meets every Saturday morning, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM in Parkland, WA, at the building of Community Life Foursquare, at 612 113th St. S. 98444. Get there easily from the Pacific Ave exit of Hwy 512. Check our Main BLF Page for changes in schedule or location.
All are welcome.
Beginners will get to read from the Greek New Testament on their first visit, using modern Greek pronunciation. No registration nor purchase of textbooks is required. All can learn at their own pace as we read and discuss the Scriptures together.
Revelation GNT Study Materials:
Lesson Sheets For GNT Revelation Study, Part 1
Updated! Work sheets to help students remember the ideas covered in lessons 1-20 in our study of the book of Revelation in the Greek New Testament.
Lesson Sheets For GNT Revelation Study, Part 2
Updated! Work sheets to help students remember the ideas covered in lessons 21-40 in our study of the book of Revelation in the Greek New Testament.
Lesson Sheets For GNT Revelation Study, Part 3
Work sheets to help students remember the ideas covered in lessons 41-48 in our study of the book of Revelation in the Greek New Testament.
Index For GNT Revelation Lesson Sheets
Easily look up where a specific exegetical or grammatical topic is covered on our GNT Revelation Lesson Sheets. Also find where specific Greek words or Scripture references are mentioned.
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