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BC2AD text books.

Updated Jan 7, 2016


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Old Testament
We use Arnold’s and Beyer’s colorful  and solidly researched Encountering the Old Testament, 3rd Edition, as background reading for BC2AD’s two modules on the Old Testament. This great textbook includes a CD-ROM disk loaded with helpful reference material.

This book retails for $49.99. The best place we know to acquire it is on Amazon.com for $32.72. Be sure to check the “Used and New” links where it’s selling for a little less.

New Testament
For BC2AD’s New Testament module, we use Elwell’s and Yarbrough’s volume in BakerBook’s Encountering series. This beautiful book, Encountering the New Testament, 3rd Edition, provides excellent background reading for our New Testament discussions. It also includes an interactive CD-ROM disk.

This book retails for $49.99. Again, the best place we know to acquire it is on Amazon.com where it is listed for $28.66. Be sure to check the “Used and New” links where it’s selling for a little less.

Story of Christianity

BC2AD’s Christian History module, The Mustard Seed Story, we use González’s outstanding Story of Christianity. This very readable book tells the story clearly and provides insightful analyses of Christianity’s most pivotal moments.

González’s work is published in two paperback volumes retailing for $24.99 apiece. However, Amazon.com offers a single-volume hardcover edition (retail $55.00) for as little as $7.95 used!



Also highly recommended: The Pocket Dictionary Of Theological Terms.

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