enjoy our color brochure
describing the 4th module of BC2AD.
Class Schedule
The Mustard Seed Story begins January 12th, 2012, at Beit Hallel in University Place. Please phone 253-761-9524 for further information.
Section A: Introductory
pages, 118k.
B: Class Work Sheets
26 pages, 3.4MB.
C: The Christian Centuries Time Line
Updated! 20 pages, 1.2mb.
D: Ancient Documents
Read from their own writings what early Christians thought about
prophets and prophecy, and about laying down their lives in the arena.
40 pages, 765k.
E: Charts & Articles
Updated! See the artistic symbols that have been adopted for each of the
apostles. Read a historical summary of Christianity’s involvement with
spiritual gifts through the ages. See a quick reference list on early
sects and cults. These items and much more are in this section! 70
pages, 2.3mb.
Section F: Books and Other Resources
A bibliography or works and resources used in the background research
for The Mustard Seed Story.
14 pages, 627k.
G: Glossary for Mustard Seed Story
Updated! A Glossary of terms used in the Mustard
Seed Story module. 10 pages, 560k.
Section H: Reading Assignments
This section provides reading assignments pertaining to The Story of Christianity by Justo González, and also describes the term paper assignment for this course.
Section S: Syllabus Section Dividers
A set of two-sided pages that serve as section dividers for organizing
your Mustard Seed Story
syllabus. These 18 pages include a front cover and a title strip to
slip in the front and spine of a view binder. 172k.
Section TOC: Table of Contents
Updated for 2011. A table of contents for your Mustard Seed Story syllabus. 2 pages, 475k.
Pudens’s Ring
A short story (historical fiction) illustrating how the early
Christians died with purpose. 5
pages, 146k.
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