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Welcome our commentary on the Book of Revelation.

Updated Feb. 26, 2005
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The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Chapter 2

his commentary on the Apocalypse is designed as a quick reference on select passages. It does not address every verse nor provide a complete exposition of the passages dealt with. It does endeavor to provide the student of the Apocalypse with insights that will make the prophecy as a whole more meaningful.
    This commentary is arranged in single-paragraph blocks and uses digital-style references to facilitate computer searches. For computer sorting purposes, biblical references use a three-letter designation for book titles and zeroes as placeholders in the chapter and verse numbers. Consequently, the passage traditionally designated Revelation 1:1 will appear as REV 01.01, while Revelation 19:10 does not require the placeholders and will appear as REV 19.10. Paragraphs given a double-zero designation, such as REV 00.01, contain introductory information and are not related to a specific verse of the Apocalypse. Biblical references embedded in the commentary text omit the unnecessary zero place holders but use the dot rather than the more traditional colon. References that do not designate a book refer to verses in the Apocalypse.

REV 02.27 [ SHEPHERDING THE NATIONS ]: Psalm 02.09 begins with a Hebrew imperfect verb whose root could mean either break or shepherd. The context of the Psalm implies the former, hence the translations of the NAS, NRS and KJV. The LXX, however, opts for the latter which means to pastor or rule, as translated by the NIV. John consistently follows the LXX in the Apocalypse references to this Psalm and promises that the overcomer will shepherd, or pastor the nations. It should thrill the believer to realize that he or she will have responsibility to pastor Armageddon survivors in the millennium. We invite you to listen to an mp3 audio sermon our our Destiny to Pastor the Nations, presented by Roderick Graciano at Peninsula Christian Fellowship (Dec. 5, 2004).

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