Updated Jul 23, 2012 |
Latest News From G. and M.
July 17, 2012 Dear friends in Christ: M. continues her “return to parents ministry” in India. Our parents are doing well for their age and health. Thank you for your prayers and keep praying that M. will have the wisdom to manage the healthcare for our parents and to run the national base of the ministry. She is also ministering among women and teaching “home making” to a young girl. M. is teaching Thejo how to read and write English and Hindi and Thejo is reading the Bible and memorizing scripture, and is keen on improving her walk with the Lord. Please pray for Thejo that her health will be improving and that she will make progress in her education. Please pray for: • Travel mercies, such as easy entry and exit to and from London without any delays due to crowd and security. • Availability of reservation in the train to travel to Bristol, Cardiff, Manchester, Chelmsford, Plymouth etc. • Fellowship with saints will bring honor and glory to Lord Jesus Christ. • Health for carry on the ministry for long hours for three weeks. • Protection for us, our luggage, documents and wallet etc. • Wisdom from the Lord and leading of Holy Spirit as G. preaches the word in meetings. Praise Lord the for His: • Provision of housing in each location. • Train tickets for domestic travel. • Sunday worship meeting arrangements. • Improvement of the health of parents. • Courage from the Lord for M. to manage alone the home base.
Yours in Christ,
2, 2004 Dear friends in Christ: We‚ve been able to taste that God is so good and His loving kindness is everlasting. We’ve traveled about 3600 kilometers during the past 3 weeks. During this time G. spoke in 20 meetings in three different states of South India. We were able to minister to various groups such as Bible school students, Gospel workers and medical school students. We arrived back to our base on the 29th of January. In the will of the Lord, we hope to leave for North India for a month-long trip, on the 5th of February. Please pray for that upcoming trip. Despite the opposition from enemies of the gospel, the Lord’s blessing continues on the work in South India. We were privileged to spend some time with a brother who started an outreach effort in Mysore two years ago. The Lord blessed that work and about 35 new believers were added to the church there during those two years. Most of those believers are from a Hindu background while a few were nominal Christians. Another brother that we visited has been used of the Lord in seeing about 125 come into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus in recent years; predominately from a nominal Christian back ground. Lack of gospel halls and their own housing has been a hindrance to the work in these areas. While premises for rental are available, most landlords are hesitant to rent out to gospel preachers, because of the stigma associated with them and their message. Surprising? Some of these folks have been asked to vacate from their current premises by June. June being the beginning of the school year, is the best time for the landlords to find new clients to take over the lease and hence a good time to ask the Christians to vacate. Please pray that the Lord would provide these dear believers housing and a place to worship. We’ve been privileged to share the gospel with several people through literature and one-on-one [conversations]. We’d like you to specifically pray for three of these individuals, R--u, R--h and R--i. R--i, though born in a Hindu home, got her education in a catholic school and is currently a university professor in Mysore. She is familiar with the name of Jesus Christ but does not know Him as her Lord and Savior. R--u and R--h are nominal Hindus who are willing to consider the claims of Christ. They are currently reading gospel booklets. Pray that these individuals will come into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Please continue to uphold us before the throne of grace. Yours in Christ G. and M. January 2004 Dear friends in Christ: May the presence and promise of our Lord God be with you during 2004 and thank you for your notes, prayers and support to us. “The Lord liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exolted” Ps 18:46 God has blessed us with two more grand children during 2003 and thus we have five grand children and we pray that they love the Lord from their very childhood. During December we enjoyed the protection of God in our travel and ministry. Viral fever and throat infection affected G. during his travel for ministry yet God strengthened him to minister the word and bring encouragement to His servants at Mangalore in Karnataka, Palani in Tamil Nadu, Alapuzha and Idukkie in Kerala. Since our arrival, fanatics attacked the servants of God more than three times in two different states. South Karnataka workers are under constant threat from them. They shared their testimony, how they are laboring for the Lord in the midst of opposition. Our visit and fellowship encouraged them and we are challenged by them. The Lord is adding people to His church, and we are preaching the gospel. God willing we are looking forward to visiting North Kerala, South west of Karnataka and the northwest of Tamil Nadu during January. Please continue to pray for us, our parents who are with us and children who are away. Please remember our son S. who is preparing for his final examination for his masters in general surgery. He is appointed to start work at Thiruvalla Medical Mission on April 2004. G. & M. December 2003 “Glory
to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom He is
Dear friends in Christ: Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for praying for us as we have been serving Him in this part of the world. May the Lord bless you with a joyful Christmas. We’ve been blest with another month of encouraging ministry. Mid-November we went to Andhra Pradesh for a second time and had a week of meetings. We had get-togethers of full time workers in a couple different areas during which G. spoke while M. spoke at the sisters’ meetings. During the evening meetings and other, one-day conferences, G. shared the responsibility of preaching with couple of his traveling companions. We covered topics like Christology, stewardship and the local assembly. After this first week, we were able to spend a few days with our oldest son and his family. The special treat was seeing our youngest grandson, N., for the first time. He’s about 7 months now. From our son’s place we went to Bangalore. There G. spoke at a cottage meeting and at another workers’ conference. He also took meetings at R. N. Assembly and B. Gospel Hall. He had one meeting at the local Assembly Bible School too. Some of the students here were from the northeast part of India where there is minimal testimony for Christ. In Bangalore, M. had the opportunity to share the gospel in two different classrooms at a nursing college. Please pray that the seed sown in the hearts of these young girls will bear fruit to the glory of God. Also pray that the teaching done in Andhra Pradesh and Bangalore will bring encouragement and spiritual blessing in the lives of the believers who came under the sound of the Word. We’ve had traveling mercies so far and please continue to pray for the same. We continue to uphold you all in our prayers as well. Thank you again for your prayers and encouragement. In Christ, G. & M. November 2003 Dear friends in Christ Thank you so much for your prayers for the work in India and your ministry to us. We arrived safely on October 23rd to our parents’ home. George’s father came to the airport and we were very glad to see him in better health than anticipated. Thank you again for praying with us while he was in the hospital. Both of his parents still suffer from the aches and pains which are expected with aging. His father and mother are 81 and 78 respectively, and yet manage to go to Sunday and mid week meetings. We started our itinerant ministry on October 30th to the state of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. We returned on Nov 10th. George and Molly with teams visited the above places and ministered the word to bring encouragement and comfort to the workers and saints. We were blessed by the testimonies of the workers who are laboring under conditions that are less than optimal due to opposition from enemies, difficulty with the language and extremes in weather. On the 11th George went to a meeting which was attended by a group of evangelists from six counties in the state of Kerala. On the 14th Friday we went to Punnacadu for another workers’ meeting and cottage meeting God willing we will be visiting another part of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka starting the 17th. Please continue to pray for journey mercies and for grace in preaching and ministering to the workers and saints of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. George is taking a team of brethren to Andhra Pradesh. They will be teaching five classes a day for five days for the workers and elders who will gather in Modikur (Andhra Pradesh). Please pray that this ministry will be profitable as they continue to minister in their respective villages. Yours in Him G. & M. November 2002 Family News From G. And M. We are doing fine and getting ready for the next itinerant ministry on Nov. 26th. Please pray for the trip and the ministry. We hope to visit 11 different states in from south to north and west to east in India to visit the servants of God and the ministry. G. will be speaking in every meeting and M. will be speaking to sisters’ meetings in most places. Please pray for the travel and the ministry. G’s‚ parents are weak and were hospitalized. They are back at home; please pray that they will gain adequate strength to take care of themselves with local help. We hope to help them while we are there and try to find out the cause and cure for their illness. Pray that doctors will diagnose and prescribe accurately.... Our oldest son is doing his residency on surgery in Christian Medical College, Vellore. He will complete the program in 2004. His wife is expecting and due on April 2003. His oldest son is two years old. Please pray for our son and family, that they may receive grace and mercy for their times of need. Our second son recovered from his auto accident and went back to his masters program. Due to the accident he found out he cannot finish his masters right away and he discontinued his studies three months before the graduation. He is back in Grand Rapids and working in the spectrum hospital and very active in the local church. He and his wife have two boys. He is coming to India to take an ayuervedic treatment for the relief of the pain he suffers as a result of the car accident. Please pray that he receives the efficient treatment and heals fully. He and his wife are also visiting a modern medicine physician for their illness. Please pray that Lord will heal them and when they return to the states they will be healthy and ready for the Lord and His people in their job and meetings etc. Our youngest son completed undergraduate work on information systems. He is looking for a job and taking classes for a graduate program on Information systems. He studies bible with one the elders of the meeting where he attends. Dr. O. teaches class at his home on every Saturday. We are praying for our son to get a job so that we can arrange a marriage for him. Please pray that God will provide him a job and lead us to the right family and girl for him to marry. Our daughter graduated with a B.Sn and works in the spectrum hospital in Grand Rapids. Her husband is doing his second masters in Mechanical engineering and working for Steel Case Furniture Company. They are laying off people everyday and he fears he may loose his job. [His family] came from India and are staying with them. Our daughter is expecting and due on May 2004. Please pray that she will do well in her board exam and her husband will continue in his job so that they can settle well with their large family. Our daugther’s father-in-law is a good Bible teacher and helps in the ministry in the church where they attend. Pray for India that we will continue to have freedom to preach and teach. One more state passed an anti-conversion bill. Even though it is against the constitution, no one questioned it in court. Naturally, the fanatics and their ruling government are making laws that will prohibit the ministry of making disciples. Pray that the church, workers, saints and the ministry will continue in peace and tranquility, in all godliness and dignity, that we may continue to preach the gospel and see our Lord save souls. Lovingly Yours, G. and M. Please always send your reply to prosperity_2648@yahoo.com . May 2002 Fertile Fields of Evangelism Dear friends in Christ: Greetings and love in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Thank you for your prayer and support for us. We had safe travel, encouraging time with evangelists, good preaching and health. In January we were in Eastern part of Karnataka and Andhra states. Katpady and Chennai was our base and we traveled to Banglore, Guntoor, Nellore, Chidambaram and Vadlur. Assembly work is very active in the city of Banglore. M. visited a nursing school with the sisters’ team and spoke to the girls in the dorm. G. spoke in the assemblies and M. spoke in an all city sisters’ meeting. Guntoor and Nellore districts of Andhra are a very fertile soil for farming and it could be said the same as for evangelism. Most of the people are poor economically but very rich spiritually. They get excited every opportunity they get to hear the Word. So they take time off from the farm jobs and come for two or three day meetings and attend very keenly. They prefer preaching of the Word to any other recreational activities on their days off. Here G. spoke at more than 20 assemblies in ten days. M. spoke at the sisters’ meeting at all these places. Four temple deities guard the City of Chidambram and people believe if you die there you will go to heaven directly. Lord is blessing the ministry there and God willing M. will be speaking at the sisters’ conference in February 2003. During February we visited states of Utter Parades and Uttranchael. Lucknow was our base to travel to Varnasi, Gorkpur, Meerut, Delhi, and Dakpathur. Our team traveled to these places to visit the evangelists and assemblies. G. spoke at the assembly meetings and M. spoke at the sisters’ meetings. The team visited homes in the community to share the gospel, encourage the believers and conduct cottage meetings. Evangelists are active irrespective of the fanaticism. Evangelism in the village has good response. Lord is raising up workers from villages. One worker opened his home for training the saints from villages. Evangelism is also done in busy city corners by sharing short messages and distributing literature. This is done in a short time period, in order to avoid the fanatics. Campus work is done through Christian students, faculty and staff. During March G. traveled to Goa and western parts of state of Karnataka. Several Kannada and Konkini workers are laboring in the state of Karnataka and we visited the homes of workers and the assemblies. One of the prayer needs of these workers is a house for living and worshiping. Homeowners are very unhappy to have meetings in their home especially, worship meetings. Please pray that Lord of the harvest will provide them the facility to carry on the work. Lovingly in Christ, G. and M. Please always send your reply to prosperity_2648@yahoo.com . |
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