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Welcome to the list of recommended reading
for THE THEO Discussion.

Updated Mar 6, 2008


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Links to Recommended Reading
in order of benefit for class discussion:

1. Charts of Apologetics And Christian Evidences by House and Holden.

2. Pocket Dictionary Of Apologetics & Philosophy Of Religion by C. Stephen Evans.

3. The Truth About Worldviews: A Biblical Understanding of Worldview Alternatives by James P. Eckman. This valuable little paperback is apparently out of print, and used copies cost a fortune. However, for those who use the Logos Libronix Digital Library System (PC only, Mac version coming soon), the electronic version of this book is an $11.99 download from logos.com. If you don't already have the Libronix reader, download it now for FREE(!) at this link. Once you download and register the reader, you can purchase and use any of the Libronix volumes or libraries, and might want to consider purchasing the whole Bible Essentials (10 vols.) series, of which The Truth About World Views is just one part.

4. Total Truth: Libertating Christianity From Its Cultural Captivity by Nancy R. Pearcey.

5. Pocket Dictionary Of New Religious Movements by Irving Hexham.

6. Philosophy For Dummies  by Tom Morris. This book should be called Philosophy Well Taught; I highly recommend it!

7. New Dictionary Of Christian Apologetics by Campbell-Jack and McGrath.

8. Philosophy Made Slightly Less Difficult: A Beginner's Guide To Life's Big Questions by DeWeese and Moreland.

9. Baker Encyclopedia Of Christian Apologetics by Norman L. Geisler.

Also of Value (alphabetically by author):
The Search For Meaning: Americans Talk About What They Believe And Why by Phillip L. Berman.

101 Key Terms In Philosophy And Their Importance For Theology by Clark, Lints & Smith.

What's So Great About Christianity by Dinesh D'Souza. I think the author has a blindspot when it comes to evolution; he is apparently a theistic evolutionist. However, the great value of this book is that D’Souza introduces nearly every possible issue in Christian apologetics.

Thinking About God: First Steps In Philosophy by Gregory E. Ganssle.

The Quotable Atheist by Jack Huberman. Not for the easily offended, but a highly entertaining and telling attempt to shame the religious out of their faith.

Masterpieces Of World Philosophy by Frank N. Magill (ed.). The "CliffsNotes" of major philosophical works; a valuable reference work!

Charts Of Philosophy And Philosophers by Craig Vincent Mitchell.

Good Ideas From Questionable Christians And Outright Pagans: An Introduction To Key Thinkers And Philosophies by Steve Wilkens.


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