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Welcome our library of documents
used in the Household of God study.

Updated Jun 21, 2008

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Please download whatever you need from among these notes and articles. They are posted as PDF (portable document format) files. To read them, you will need Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader. Please note: these PDFs may take up to several minutes to download, depending upon your internet connection speed.

The Household of God
Discovering Our Spiritual Family in the New Testament

Household of God, Part 1 : 14 pages, 228k.

Household of God, Part 2 : 16 pages, 665k.

Household of God, Part 3 : 10 pages, 161k.

Household of God, Part 4 : 26 pages, 1mb.

2008 Class Schedule for BC to AD: Four pages, 32k, showing the topics we’ll be studying each week.

Why Didn’t Jesus Say, “I AM GOD”?: An article about understanding Christ’s identity and mission, 5 pages, 444k.

Kingdom Questions: An article about the priority issue in the gospels, 2 pages (1, double-sided), 48k.

Expanding The Kingdom: A Unified Theory of Mission: A second article about the priority issue in the gospels, 4 pages (2, double-sided), 56k.

Polishing Our Hermeneutical Glasses: 21 principles for interpreting the Bible. A readable introduction to the science of interpreting Scripture, 35 pages, 433k.

The Problem With Patterns And Precedents: A technical article about finding the core principles of Acts, 6 pages (3, double-sided), 240k.

The White Stone: An article explaining the precious gem that Christ gives to all overcomers. 5 pages, 140k.

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