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Unveiling God’s Power and Transformational Agenda
In the Life and Prophecies of Daniel

In & Out Of Babylon
Begins On September 22nd, 2016, 6:30 PM,
at Freedom River Outreach 106 S 28th Street, in Tacoma WA.
To register for this free course, or to schedule this course for your church or group, please email our administrator for information.
Please scroll down for syllabus materials!
study of the book of Daniel looks at the overarching plan of God for
Israel and the other nations of our world, a plan culminating in the
“time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30.7) and the coming of Messiah. We
will discover a profound message embedded in that plan, a message of
encouragement for God’s people who endured minority status in a pagan
land. That message provides a vision for transforming the very culture
that threatens to extinguish God’s light.
In & Out Of Babylon
is a group-learning experience for Christians who feel the rumble of
the freight train of cultural change hurtling past us. The class
provides a fresh look at our Messiah and His Great Commission for
Christians who realize we’re not in Jerusalem anymore. We’re
effectively in Babylon! Does God still have a viable plan for our
world, our nation, our city? Can we still reach a post-Christian
culture that no longer respects the Bible nor biblical religion? The
answer is Yes! Join us for a look at what ancient prophecy tells us
about bringing God’s redemption to our world here and now.
In & Out of Babylon Syllabus Sections
Section A: Introduction and Syllabus TOC
8 pages, 696k.
Section B: Session Work Sheets
are the work sheets we will refer to in our classroom discussion, 20 pages, 1mb.
Section C: Book of Daniel Commentary
This section is not yet available.
Section D: Charts and Diagrams for the Daniel Study
UPDATED! This section provides charts, images and maps that we will refer to in class, including a summary of what we know about The Antichrist, and a timeline of Daniel’s “70 Weeks.” 28 pages, 4.5mb.
Section E: Eschatological Terms
A helpful glossary of words and phrases used in the study of eschatology. 8 pages, and 271k.
Section F: Resources List
A bibliography of books and software used in the preparation of In & Out of Babylon. 4 pages, 181k.
Section S: Syllabus Section Dividers
These pages should be duplex printed on sturdy paper. 14 pages, 1.5mb.
Related Articles
Battling Babylons
A little book on John’s vision of The Great Prostitute in Revelation 17.1-19.4, 68 pages (3Mb).
For anyone wanting to understand the coming geo-political conflicts and
the Church’s current struggle, this work provides a piece of the
puzzle. The table of contents and Index of Scripture Citations are
hyperlinked for easy navigation and study while reading on your
The Beast At The Center Of The Earth
A treatise explaining how the biblical prophets understood the End Time
geography. This paper argues that the rule of the Beast and the Great
Tribulation will be constrained to a limited geographical region (21
pages, 1mb).
The Cityward Mind Of God
A manifesto for city transformation, this 35-page treatise provides the biblical basis for our eschatological calling (2.6 mb: please be patient while this large file downloads).
The Olivet Discourse
A harmony of Christ's eschatological teaching in the Gospels (5
pages, 88k).
Polishing Our Hermeneutical Glasses
introduction to biblical
hermeneutics (interpreting the Bible), this study presents 21
principles for interpreting Scripture. We highly recommend this document for students of the eschatological Scriptures. (83 pages, still being updated.)
Audio Recordings
In And Out Of Babylon, 9 (mp3) - May 12, 2016
In And Out Of Babylon, 8 (mp3) - May 10, 2016
In And Out Of Babylon, 7 (mp3) - May 5, 2016
In And Out Of Babylon, 6 (mp3) - May 3, 2016
In And Out Of Babylon, 5 (mp3) - Apr 28, 2016
In And Out Of Babylon, 4 (mp3) - Apr 21, 2016
In And Out Of Babylon, 3 (mp3) - Apr 19, 2016
In And Out Of Babylon, 2 (mp3) - Apr 14, 2016
In And Out Of Babylon, 1 (mp3) - Apr 12, 2016